CalRATERS, Inc. offers a variety of services that are designed to meet the energy needs of residential clients in the entire Bay Area. In addition to providing home energy audits and testing, the family-owned and operated company helps navigate issues with high energy bills, inefficient heating and air conditioning equipment, poor insulation, hot and cold spots, leaky ductwork, leaks within the envelope of a home, drafty areas, and much more.
CalRATERS works with state programs to help homeowners make educated decisions about energy upgrades to their homes. “Many homeowners have energy-related concerns, but they don’t know the first place to start when it comes to finding a solution,” says co-owner Marty Kerr. “We help them by getting the work done with the best contractors and even applying for any rebates that may be available.”
CalRATERS takes a whole-home approach to every project, which allows it to provide each homeowner with an in-depth analysis of their home’s energy usage. “An energy audit should be the first step a homeowner takes before making any energy upgrades,” says Marty. “It will give them the information they need to know which upgrades to prioritize as well as which upgrades will give them the biggest return on investment.”
“We believe in a more energy-efficient future and strive to make a difference one home at a time. Our goals are to educate our customers about energy loss and provide them with solutions that make their homes more comfortable and energy efficient. We will continue to make an impact on each customer’s home energy use as well as the future of energy consumption.”
Learn what an energy audit can mean for you and your home.
According to, energy efficiency is “one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to combat climate change, clean the air we breathe, improve the competitiveness of our businesses, and reduce energy costs for consumers.” But while you might see and hear it almost everywhere these days, “energy efficiency” is more than just a buzz phrase. In fact, practical implementation of energy-efficient practices and materials can save you money, keep you more comfortable in your home and/or office, and keep contractors accountable.
“Some people think that energy testing is only useful for permits or because it’s required, but there are absolutely benefits for homeowners,” says Nikole Jonsson, co-owner of CalRATERS, Inc. in San Ramon. “By having energy testing done on your home, you’re making sure your HVAC system and ductwork are as efficient as they can possibly be. You get the benefit of knowing that your contractor has done a quality job, so it validates that you got what you paid for.”
Along with holding contractors responsible for installing equipment correctly and making sure HVAC systems are working efficiently, energy auditors provide additional testing and advice. “The best place to start is figuring out where your energy is being wasted,” offers Ms. Jonsson. “Professional energy auditors perform tests that provide specific information about how home systems are functioning. For example, an air filtration blower test will expose any air leakage within the envelope of a home. Replacing leaky windows, doors, electrical fixtures or lights is a great way to improve home energy efficiency.”
Ms. Jonsson says making those types of minor upgrades and repairs can be enough to keep your rooms comfortable, reduce your heating and cooling bills, limit unnecessary wear and tear on your HVAC equipment, and help you live Greener without a lot of hassle.
Maintaining customer satisfaction is a crucial aspect of any business, but it’s even more important for home energy auditors that have earned the prestigious Diamond Certified award. For CalRATERS, Inc., the key to keeping clients happy is simple: work closely with them to make sure all of their energy efficiency requirements are being met. “A lot of people don’t understand the nuances of this industry, so by working one-on-one with our clients, we’re able to relieve their stress and simplify the process,” explains co-owner Nikole Jonsson. “Once we determine where their homes are losing energy, we’re able to provide them with solutions that help them reduce their energy bills and make their homes more energy efficient."
CalRATERS has been offering services that are designed to meet the energy needs of residential clients in Contra Costa, Alameda, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Solano Counties since 2015. The family-owned and operated company is best known for performing home energy audits and Title 24 HERS inspections, but it’s also qualified to help homeowners navigate the BayREN rebate process, provide energy compliance certificates for new construction projects and more.
Unlike less experienced companies that are only qualified to handle one part of the energy auditing process, CalRATERS is a one-stop shop for all things related to energy efficiency. “We can do full home energy audits and provide detailed reports, but we can also help our clients coordinate with top contractors and stay involved throughout the course of their energy upgrade projects,” says Ms. Jonsson. “Once those upgrades are completed, we’ll come back to do the required final testing and submit all of the rebates to make sure they’re paid out in full.”
Ultimately, Ms. Jonsson says CalRATERS’ personalized approach to customer service has been its most important attribute. “We don’t just come in and test our clients’ systems—we provide them with solutions that fulfill their individual needs. We start building relationships with our clients from their very first phone call, and when we go out in the field, we make sure we’re taking care of their homes by wearing shoe booties and taking other protective measures.”