BENICIA — Shem Isaac: My expert tip is a simple one. We have a saying within our company you have to slow down to go fast, and we give the same advice to our clients. You need to slow down the process a little bit. Take the time to truly understand the differences in the various materials, the workmanship, the warranties, all of these various things, and, if you can, find a trusted professional who can guide you through that.
The number one thing I’ve heard from clients over the years–the number one regret I should say–is that they didn’t take the time to really understand the differences in the various materials, the workmanship, the warranties, the customer service levels. What they ended up with was a dissatisfaction. They ended up with regret. Window coverings are not inexpensive. It’s the kind of thing you want to slow down. Make sure that you get it done right.
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