SAN FRANCISCO — Host, Sarah Rutan: Even though they’re commonly overlooked, shocks play a critical role in vehicle safety and performance, which is why proactive maintenance is a must. Today we’re in San Francisco with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Walee Gon of Faxon Garage to learn more.
Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Walee Gon: Hi. Today I’d like to speak with you about the shocks on the vehicle. Now, we did a segment earlier regarding tires and the old saying says where the rubber meets the road. That is essentially where the most important safety, or traction, of the vehicle is the tires.
The second item is the shocks. Now, a lot of shops don’t emphasize the importance of shocks. The usually mention it when it actually is leaking and that’s way past their useful life. Shocks play a very important role in controlling vehicle body movement and that plays a huge difference in safety and stability while driving. That can lead to many safety issues.
Secondly, worn shocks can be a catalyst of increasing the wear of many other vehicle components and that can lead to very expensive repair bills. And I’m sure that most of us only think that shocks provide comfort but, keep in mind, there’s a lot more than that. And we want you to be safe with you and your passengers. Have a great day.
Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at
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