SAN LEANDRO — Host, Sarah Rutan: Few homeowners realize the impact conditions in the attic can have on their home’s comfort, energy efficiency and air quality. Today we’re in San Leandro with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Sean Madar of Atticare to learn more.
Sean Madar: Many home owners are not comfortable in their homes and they’re completely unaware it’s related to issues they have in the attic or the crawl space. Cleaning and insulating your attic can help you protect your family, be more comfortable in your home, and save money on your energy bills. So, let’s talk about saving money first. Um, many homeowners know the fact that attic insulation have in their home. Insulation can regulate your home temperature and can save you tons of money, yet 90 percent of homes in the U.S. are under-insulated.
So, let me give you a tip of how you can go right now and in less than a minute check if you have an adequate amount of insulation. Simply go to your attic and check the level of the insulation. If it’s below the beams or even the same level of the beams, something like that what we’re looking at right now – it’s about three, three and a half inches of insulation – then you don’t have enough insulation, and you should consider adding some more insulation. I promise you’re going to be more comfortable.
The second thing that I want everybody to consider when you want to protect your family is rodents or basically home owners have rodents above their head in the attic and sometimes below their feet in the crawl space. And rodents cause major damages to the insulation and to the HVAC system. The rodents will nest around, they leave droppings and feces, which is going to affect the indoor air quality. Now that its – has huge effect on you and your family because people suffer from allergies, cardiovascular disease, and it’s all come from rodents and from rodents’ feces which are toxic to inhale. So only if you want to protect your family, save money on energy bills, and be more comfortable at your home, I recommend you to clean and insulate your attic.
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