FREMONT — Host, Sarah Rutan: When it comes to choosing a furnace filter, there are more options available than you might realize. Today we’re in Fremont with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Daniel Sojkic of AIS Heating & Air Conditioning to learn more.
Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Daniel Sojkic: As you can see, there are many different air filters that you can choose for your home needs. This is one of the basic air filters out there in the market that you can grab from any local hardware stores. As you can see, this filter, you can see right through it. So it does not collect much of the dust – anything that doesn’t get collected by this air filter, you are inhaling that dust.
This is a grade higher air filter, which has a MERV-8 rating – so it’s a really decent filter. It costs few more dollars than a basic air filter. But it’s much better air filter. Next filter that we have, it’s called electro-static air filter, this a really good filter for about two years. Take it out every two to three months, just hose it off, let it dry, put it back, and you’re good for next three months.
This is one of my favorite filters. Has a MERV-11 rating on it. This filter – it’s included in all the wire installations that we do, and this is filter is good up to a year depending on the usage of the system. This is one of my favorite filters. This right here, it’s Bryant-perfect air. This has a MERV-15 rating. It’s great for allergies, dust, pollen, any bacteria in the air. This is the filter to go with. The cartridge in here – it’s good up to a year depending on the usage.
Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at
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