. Hi, my name is Alan Costelli. I'm the owner and general manager of Gardens of the Wine Country. Gardens of the Wine Country is a full-service landscape firm. We do design work, we install the projects that we design, we install projects that other designers or architects design, and we also maintain all of that work once it's completed. We handle hardscape, which includes concrete, stonework, tile work, pavers, irrigation, planting, lighting, pergolas, decks, all types of woodwork. We're pretty full service. We many times have clients get in touch with us who can't even really define what their needs are. All they know is that they want something outside of their home, around their home, to be better than it is. We will help them with that process. We'll walk them through, we'll get some information about how they live, how they tend to use it. You know, we take all that in consideration and help them come up with a design. Our primary business area is Sonoma, Napa, and Marin counties. We do do a lot of large residences that the clients tend to be demanding, and they also tend to be particular and meticulous about the projects that are designed for them. So, we need to pay attention to detail and do pay attention to detail. So, if you're interested in having us help you realize your vision and uh execute that vision, I'd encourage you to call. We have plenty of experience in all phases of this particular profession, and we're here to help you. .
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