Classic Shades Painting Co. is a full-service painting company. In the San Francisco Bay Area since 1985, it has extensive expertise in all aspects of house painting. Its specialty, however, is residential home painting with the emphasis on customer service. The company’s full-service capabilities allow it to handle every step of its clients’ projects, from thorough evaluations of existing surface conditions and meticulous surface preparation to applying a wide variety of finishes and coatings.
Owner Yefim Skomorovsky, himself a master painter, credits much of Classic Shades Painting’s success to its experienced crew of journeyman-level painters, all of whom undergo continuous training and education to stay updated on the industry’s latest products and procedures. “Our painters have all the technical skills to produce high-quality paint jobs that last,” he says. “We stand by our company slogan: ‘Great looking, long-lasting paint job. Guaranteed!' I believe customer service is key to success, and we aim to win customers for life.”
Classic Shades Painting is known for its comprehensive approach to quality control, which includes regular mid-job inspections by the company owner. Mid-job customer feedback is actively sought and acted upon. Post-project customer surveys are used to gain valuable feedback.
“We take a personalized approach to every project and we make sure that the client is happy not just with the final result, but with the process as well. Our goal is to exceed our customers’ expectations. This is what makes customers want to come back and to recommend us to others."
When undertaking a painting project, don’t underestimate the importance of preparation.
Surface preparation is the best way to maximize the durability of any paint job, but the results of your work can quickly be obscured after the first coat of paint is applied, which means you often won’t know if a subpar job was done until you start noticing premature paint failure. “Preparation is definitely the most important part of painting,” says Yefim Skomorovsky, owner of Classic Shades Painting Co. in San Francisco. “If you take shortcuts, your paint job won’t last.” Before you start painting any surface, consider the following preparation tips:
The first step
Examine the surface and check for dirt, faded or peeling paint, cracks, mildew, nail stains and general structural problems. If you find loose paint, try to remove as much of it as possible.
Remove deposits
Wash the surface with a commercial cleaner or detergent solution. After you’re done, thoroughly rinse the surface and let it dry. Power washing is a fast, effective method of removing dirt, oil, grease and other deposits.
Splits and cracks
Inspect the surface for any openings that could potentially let in water. If you find one, seal it up with a paintable acrylic caulk. After that, you can apply primer over the caulked area.
Old nails
If you find any loose or rusty nails, punch them in slightly below the surface, use a corrosion-resistant primer to prime the nail heads and then fill the holes with epoxy compound.
Previously coated surfaces
If you’re unsure about your surface’s ability to be recoated, have a professional painter use a test patch with the coating to check the compatibility of previously painted surfaces.
Maintaining customer satisfaction is a crucial aspect of any business, but it's even more important for painting companies that have earned the prestigious Diamond Certified award. For Classic Shades Painting Co., the key to achieving and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction is simple: approach every job with equal parts professionalism and friendliness. "We're known not only for the quality of our workmanship, but also for the way we treat our customers," says owner Yefim Skomorovsky. "We take the time to develop positive relationships with them, and we always follow through on our promises. If we say we're going to start working on a certain date, we'll be there."
Classic Shades Painting has been providing interior and exterior painting services for residential and commercial clients through¬out the Bay Area since 1985. The company's full-service approach allows it to handle every step of its customers' projects, from offering color consulta¬tions and preparing surfaces to applying a wide variety of coatings and finishes.
Unlike less experienced painting companies that undervalue the importance of keeping their clients informed about certain aspects of their projects, Classic Shades Painting emphasizes clear communication throughout every step of the painting process. "We make sure our clients know what's going on with their projects and understand exactly what they're paying for," says Mr. Skomorovsky. "One thing we do is take a photo whenever a decision needs to be made and immediately email it to the client. If we need to talk about color placement or some dry rot is discovered, for example, a picture will communicate much more than words."
Another distinguishing attribute of Classic Shades Painting is its dedication to jobsite cleanliness, which Mr. Skomorovsky says is important for earning clients' trust and respect. "One thing we've learned over the past 30 years is to always be respectful of our customers' homes and businesses. When a client gets home, they don't want to be navigating through piles of trash and equipment."