Glossary of Weight Loss and Diet Terms
bariatric surgery
Bariatric surgery is weight loss surgery methods on the stomach and/or intestines that aims to help patients who suffer from extreme obesity lose weight. Bariatric surgery is usually only available to individuals with a BMI of 40 or more, and it is generally considered a last effort when other less invasive weight loss methods have failed.
Also known as: gastrointestinal surgery, weight loss surgery
body mass index
BMI is a way of estimating the relativity of body weight to height, which produces a score that can be used to determine if a patient is of a healthy weight, underweight, overweight, or obese. The scale is most accurate for adults. BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered healthy weight. BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. BMI is not always accurate, as it doesn’t measure actual body fat percentage. Athletes and others with more muscle (and therefore higher weight to height ratio) may get incorrect readings. Other methods of determining weight percentage and body fat percentage may be needed to provide accurate counts.
Also known as: BMI, body mass scale, obesity scale
The basic units of energy found in food are known as calories. Carbohydrates, fats, protein, and alcohol in food and drink provide calories, or food energy. Carbohydrates and proteins provide 4 calories per gram, fat provides 9 calories per gram, and alcohol provides 7 calories per gram. Calorie intake that exceeds calorie expenditure causes weight gain.
Also known as: calorie, food energy
The foods and drinks an individual consumes is known as their diet. Any type of eating plan is also considered a diet. Individuals who are “on a diet” are often consciously restricting calories and adding physical activity to their daily schedules to lose weight.
Also known as: eating plan, weight loss plan
extreme diets
Extreme weight loss is the rapid loss of body weight or the loss of an extreme amount of body weight. Most health professionals caution against very rapid weight loss, as extremely fast weight loss can deplete protein, vitamins, minerals, water and other necessary nutrients within the body. Extreme weight loss can include severe calorie restriction, which can be detrimental if not carried out in a responsible and medically managed way. Extreme amounts of weight loss can be accomplished, but most are done under doctor supervision and through an orchestrated weight loss plan and careful diet and exercise planning.
Also known as: extreme weight loss plans, obesity diets, lose weight fast, fast weight loss, extreme dieting
meal replacements
Meal replacement plans include meal replacement shakes, powders, bars, smoothies and other meal replacements. Diet meal replacements are often in drink or snack form and replace meals with fewer calories than a full meal. They are usually packed with high-density nutrients, vitamins and energy to allay hunger and keep your body satisfied without introducing additional calories. Contra Costa County weight loss systems can offer meal replacement plans to assist your weight loss goals.
Also known as: meal replacements, meal replacement shakes, meal replacement bars, meal replacement smoothies, meal replacement powders, replacement meals, weight loss meal replacements, diet meal replacement shakes
low carb diets
Low carb diets restrict the intake of carbohydrates, such as those found in starchy foods and grains., and carbs found in sugars and highly processed foods. Most low-carb diets emphasize increasing fat and protein while cutting out carbohydrates. These diets can be very effective at producing fast weight loss. Individuals with diabetes and metabolic diseases can also see related health benefits.
Also known as: low carb diet plans, high fat low carb diets, HFLC diets
medically supervised weight loss programs
Medically supervised weight loss programs are those supervised by a physician and other medical staff. Some individuals are required to undergo medically supervised weight loss before applying for weight loss surgery. Other individuals are on very low calorie diets that require medical supervision. There are even some individuals who opt for medically supervised diets because they like to be under the care of a physician to regularly monitor their weight loss and to give them medically-sound diet advice. Patients losing weight with a medically supervised program often have their blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar levels and activity levels monitored, along with any medication levels. Studies have shown that people who undergo medically supervised weight loss tend to lose more weight than those who engage in unsupervised programs, and they tend to keep the weight off longer.
Also known as: doctor assisted weight loss, physician monitored weight loss, extreme weight loss, medical weight loss
The process of the body turning food calories into energy the body can use is known as metabolism. Different people have different metabolic rates, meaning that they require and use different numbers of calories in daily function.
Also known as: metabolic rate, resting metabolic rate
Obesity is the term for excessive body fat. Obese individuals may be at risk for heart disease, some types of cancers, diabetes, joint and bone problems, pain and other health issues. BMI testing, body fat testing, and other methods can help identify obesity.
Also known as: obese, extreme obesity, morbid obesity, diets for obesity
The term “overweight” refers to individuals with excessive body weight.
Also known as: fat, heavy, being overweight, diets for overweight people
Registered Dietitian
Registered Dietitians have completed college studies in diet and nutrition that are approved by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Registered Dietitians can offer nutrition and diet advice and may monitor supervised weight loss programs and provide weight loss counseling and diet programs.
Also known as: R.D., dietitian
surgical weight loss
Surgical weight loss such as bariatric surgery, gastric bypass surgery, duodenal switch, gastric balloons, vBloc Therapy, gastric sleeve surgery, stomach banding, biliopancreatic diversion and more are weight loss options when other methods of weight loss have failed or have been ineffective. This is an extreme method for weight loss and is only possible under the guidance and with the recommendation of a physician and gastric surgeon.
Also known as: bariatric surgery, gastric bypass surgery, gastric sleeving, stomach banding, Lap-Band surgery, surgery for weight loss
very low-calorie diet
Very low calorie diets are supervised by physicians and health care professionals. Most very low calorie diets restrict patients to 800 calories a day or fewer. To achieve this extreme weight loss, obese individuals on very low calorie diets generally ingest prepared weight loss formulas and meal replacements that provide nutrients and minerals in a lower calorie form than natural foods can provide. These diets are not for individuals who are overweight, but are instead reserved for morbidly obese and obese individuals who must lose a lot of weight fast for medical reasons.
Also known as: VLCD, doctor supervised extreme weight loss, extreme weight loss programs, obesity weight loss
weight control
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is called weight control. This often includes dedication to healthy eating and regular physical activity to maintain permanent weight loss.
weight cycling
Weight cycling or yo-yo dieting refers to losing and gaining weight repeatedly. This type of dieting is not preferred, as individuals prone to weight cycling often gain more weight than they lose each time, resulting in average weight gain over time.
Also known as: yo-yo dieting, regaining weight
weight loss clinics
Weight loss clinics include medically supervised weight loss programs, and other supervised weight loss programs that are housed in medical facilities or facilities that offer medical monitoring. Weight loss diets, food planning, exercise plans, clinical weight loss plans, and other targeted weight loss tailored to combat the root causes of weight gain and obesity are all services offered by local weight loss clinics.
Also known as: medically supervised weight loss programs, weight loss centers
weight loss programs for women
Women-focused weight loss plans are also known as weight loss programs for women. These programs often include tips to help women lose weight, diet and exercise suggestions, meal plans, and more that are focused on women’s struggles to lose weight and keep it off.
weight loss supplements
Dietary supplements, also known as weight loss supplements, are products intended to assist in weight loss. These supplements may include herbs, minerals, vitamins, fiber, botanicals, amino acids, enzymes and other ingredients in pill, powder and liquid form, and the often claim to limit hunger, burn fat, increase weight loss, and provide other benefits. Weight loss supplements are not monitored by the Food and Drug Administration, so there are no national standards for safety and efficacy.
Also known as: dietary supplements, herbal weight loss supplements, weight loss powders, weight loss pills, fat burning pills, weight loss drugs
weight loss support groups
Weight loss support groups are support groups for individuals who are in the process of losing weight or those who have lost weight and are working to keep it off. These support groups may be hosted by weight loss diet plan companies, associations, medical weight loss clinics, community groups, church groups, insurance companies, hospitals and clinics, and other organizations. Studies have shown that individuals who are part of a weight loss support group may be more effective at meeting their weight loss goals and keeping off the weight lost.
weight management programs
Weight management programs help dieters and those who have achieved their weight loss goals keep the weight off long term. This may include regular weigh-ins, support groups, weight maintenance monitoring, weight loss counseling, and lifestyle management to prevent yo-yo dieting and weight gain.
Also known as: weight loss programs, weight maintenance, weight management support groups, weight maintenance monitoring, weight management counseling
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