Glossary of Terms for Asbestos Removal Services

asbestos ceiling scrape

Educate yourself on asbestos removal industry terms and processes.

Below are key asbestos removal terms and descriptions that will help you navigate your way through your experience from beginning to end.

activity-based sampling
The process of measuring airborne concentrations of asbestos when soil has been disturbed

Also known as: ABS

A type of asbestos that’s in the group of amphibole

Also known as: brown asbestos

A naturally occurring mineral that’s composed of mineral silicate fibers from the amphibole and serpentine series

A disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. It’s noncancerous, but it scars the lungs’ air exchange regions.

asbestos cement
A product that’s made of cement and sand and has been reinforced with asbestos fibers

Also known as: AC

asbestos-containing building materials
Materials used for construction that contain asbestos

Also known as: ACBM

asbestos-containing materials
A material that contains asbestos

Also known as: ACM

asbestos vacuum cleaner
A vacuum cleaner that’s used to remove asbestos

A substance that causes cancer

Also known as: carcinogens

The common form of asbestos

Also known as: white asbestos

A substance that can cause harmful health problems and is present in the environment

Also known as: contaminants

The amount of asbestos or other substance a person has been exposed to over a period of time

Being exposed to a substance by swallowing, breathing or touching

Also known as: acute exposure; chronic exposure

hazardous substance
Any substance that’s a public health or environmental threat

Also known as: hazardous material

Any part of the environment such as soil, air, plants or animals that contains contaminating material

A type of lung cancer that’s caused by asbestos

mixed cellulose ester
A filter that’s used for sampling air

Also known as: MCE

permissible exposure limit
The amount of exposure that’s permitted or allowed

Also known as: PEL

personal protective equipment
Clothing or equipment that’s designed to protect workers from hazards or dangers

Also known as: PPE

pleural fibrosis
A lung disease that can be caused by asbestos

polarised light microscopy
A method for analyzing asbestos fibers

Also known as: PLM

A type of filter that’s used when the air is being sampled for asbestos

Also known as: PC; PC filter; polycarbonate filter

presumed asbestos containing material
Material that’s assumed to have asbestos

Also known as: PACM

Crystals that are in the shape of a prism

stationary air monitor
A monitor that’s used to sample air. It’s placed in one location and not moved during the sampling.

time weighting factor
The time that’s considered for asbestos risk and means a lack of continuous exposure

Also known as: TWF

A material that’s mined in Libby, Montana and used for insulation. It contains amphibole minerals.