FAQs for Garage Door Companies

Q: What type of new garage door would be best for me?
A: Most quality garage door companies will assist you in your decision by asking questions about what you need, what kind of style you like, what your budget is, and so forth. They will look at your answers and come up with something that best serves your specific application.
Q: How soon can the garage door company get to my house?
A: Many garage door installation companies are able to provide delivery the day after you order your new garage door. It is even possible to get same day delivery for some items. You will want to ask your garage door company about their delivery schedule for the specific garage door you've ordered.
Q: Do garage door companies also sell and install garage door openers and other door-related products?
A: Yes, most garage door companies do install garage door openers and accessories that provide the highest levels of convenience, safety and security. Most companies utilize factory-installed hardware and tracking systems to install ceiling- and wall-mounted garage door openers; wired or wireless infrared safety sensors and accessories; quiet, all-steel tracking systems; state-of-the-art, multi-function control panels; and more.
Q: Do local garage door companies offer any warranties or guarantees?
A: Be sure that your garage door company of choice provides a written warranty that protects against manufacturer defect for a minimum of one year and a lifetime guarantee that covers any faults in my installation services.
Q: Should I choose an insulated garage door or a non-insulated one?
A: It depends on your house’s exposure. If you’re planning on installing a steel garage door and your house faces east, south or west, a vinyl back to deflect radiant heat that’s generated by afternoon sunlight is recommended. If your home faces north, however, insulation won’t be as beneficial because the garage won’t get as much sun. In that case, you can opt to install windows instead.
Q: How important is the gauge of steel on my garage door?
A: People put a lot of emphasis on the gauge of steel on their doors, but it’s not that important—especially with some of the other components available today.
Q: What’s the difference between a screw drive motor and a chain motor in terms of noisiness?
A: Screw drive motors are the quieter of the two, but most garage door companies tend to use chain motors for single-story homes that don’t have rooms above their garages. If you have a living space above your garage, a belt drive, which is even quieter, is recommended.
Q: What will happen to my old garage door when the new one is installed?
A: Most garage door companies will remove your old door and dispose of it properly.
Q: Can a garage door company install a keyless entry system on my garage door?
A: Most garage door companies can mount an exterior keyless sensory system that mounts to the wall on the outside of the garage door and requires you to enter a code number. These systems are also handy if your children come home from school before you—instead of carrying keys, they can punch in the code number and get into the garage.
Q: I’m thinking about getting a steel garage door. Does it need to be insulated?
A: Many steel doors carried by quality garage door companies are insulated with bonded polyurethane, which adds strength enhancement to what’s otherwise pretty thin steel. All steel garage doors today are very thin-gauged, and the manufacturers are the ones who decide what to disclose regarding the gauge. Unfortunately, there’s no third-party verification, which means customers have to trust the steel is as strong as the manufacturer claims it is.
Q: What kind of garage door operator should I have?
A: That depends on the type of door you choose. Most garage door companies will discuss every aspect with you and come up with an appropriate recommendation based on your needs and wants.
Q: Are carriage garage doors worth the price?
A: Carriage doors can greatly improve the appearance of a home and dramatically enhance its value. It improves the curb appeal, because it’s the first thing you see on the front of the house.
Q: I have a garage door that needs repairing, but it was installed by a company that is no longer in service. Can another garage door company fix it?
A: Yes. Many garage door companies do repair work on a wide variety of doors and openers, even those that weren’t purchased from them. Most companies have access to many hard-to-get parts, so if a model is still being made—or if the parts are available—they can solve the problem. If not, alternate solutions can be appropriately advised.
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