Adopting a Successful Business Mindset

by Matt Solis


Originally written by Karan Dhillon of The Contractors Coach

Making money is an important part of owning a business, but what’s the point if you’re too busy and stressed to enjoy it? In addition to growing your business to be more profitable, you should grow it so you’re able to have more free time and peace of mind. To do this, you’ll need to change your mindset from that of a self-employed individual to that of a successful business owner.

Consider the difference between a self-employed individual and a business owner. Whereas a self-employed person does a lot of hands-on work and invests much of his personal time, a business owner develops systems and hires people to run those systems for him. This allows him to have a business that runs and grows independently of his daily involvement. 

Having established this primary difference, let’s ask a question: Who makes more money? The answer, obviously, is the business owner. Nevertheless, many more people are self-employed than are business owners, which begs another question: If the goal is to make more money, why do so many people choose to be self-employed rather than own a business? The main reason is that self-employed people value something even more than money: security. In contrast, business owners are willing to take risks, but they have to learn how to mitigate those risks in order to be successful.

When it comes to contractors, we see a similar picture: most are self-employed and do much of the work themselves on a daily basis. If you are in this category, you need to learn how to go from the self-employed mentality to that of a successful business owner, which will enable you to have not just a profitable business, but also more free time to spend with your family and pursue the things you enjoy outside of work. Consider speaking with a professional business coach who can teach you to change your mindset and help you achieve your goals. 

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