My Go Bag

Photo: American Ratings Corporation, 2017
One woman’s thoughts on what to pack in an emergency
by Joy Lanzaro, Director, Mediation and Compliance
Few of us have ever witnessed fire damage to residential and commercial structures like we’ve seen in the North Bay over the past few days. Many of us are experiencing a combination of emotions as a result, and anxiety is running high. One way to be prepared and manage anxiety is to put together a “Go Bag” just in case you need to quickly evacuate. My Go Bag is tiny because I’m single—one dog, no kids. Nearly all of my financial and insurance business is transacted online, so that eliminates some documentation. Since I don’t expect to be without access to a store, there’s no survivalist gear on my list. Here’s what’s in my Go Bag:
- My passport and social security card. If I was in possession of my birth certificate, it would be in there, too.
- Documents required for my 2017 taxes and an envelope containing my completed 2016 tax return
- A pricey laser therapy device and my iPad
- Vehicle pink slips
- Cash
- Tiny diamond earrings that probably have more sentimental value than actual cash value
- Spare keys
- Dog leash
- Dog
- Towel
Here’s what’s not in my Go Bag (because they’re either too heavy or I can purchase them if needed):
- Photo albums
- Flashlights, batteries and a first aid kit
- Food, snacks and water
- Dog food and bowls
If I owned a cat, I wouldn’t let it out of my sight for the next few days, no matter how much it demands to be let out. Of course, I’d also add cat carrier(s) to my Go List.
Anyone can put together a similar list, even if it’s just for the little bit of anxiety relief it provides. For a grown-up version of this list and other disaster preparedness essentials, please visit the Ready Marin website. There are some great tips on the site, even if you live outside of Marin County.
What’s in your Go Bag?
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