Kevin Comerford is founder of Service Champions, a Diamond Certified company. He can be reached at (925) 444-4444 or by email.
Kevin Comerford: Taking the Lead
By James Florence, Diamond Certified Resource Reporter
PLEASANTON — Kevin Comerford has roots in the HVAC industry, but it took some time for him to realize his place in his family’s legacy. “My father, Don Comerford, started his business, Comerford Heating and Air, in 1971, so I basically grew up in the industry,” he recounts. “After graduating from Cal Poly with a degree in journalism, I went to work for the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce. I enjoyed working with small-business owners so much that it renewed my interest in my parents’ business. I was also fascinated with the innovative developments that were happening in the HVAC industry at the time. I got involved and I’ve been doing it ever since.”
Today, as founder of Service Champions, Kevin says his favorite part of his job is developing people. “Another reason I got involved in HVAC was the opportunity I saw to incorporate my passion for developing people. That’s why my favorite part of my job is interacting with our team members and training them on different skill sets—not just work skills, but life skills as well.”
Born and raised in Pleasanton, Kevin espouses his appreciation for life in the Bay Area. “I’m a homegrown native of Pleasanton and I love being part of this community. In general, I love living and working in the Bay Area—the people are great and there’s a tremendous amount of opportunity for businesses, as well as plenty of activities and events to partake in. There’s always something going on.”
When he’s not working, Kevin stays busy with a variety of active pastimes. “I love to watch and play sports,” he details. “I play tennis competitively and typically play three to four times a week.” Additionally, Kevin enjoys spending time with his wife, Carolyn, and their three children, Emily, Brendan and Landon. “I love doing things with my family, especially outdoor activities. During the summer, we spend a lot of time on the lake.”
In his life and career, Kevin espouses the virtues of good leadership. “I’m a firm believer in the phrase, ‘If you lead, the world will follow,’” he says. “The world needs more leaders. I believe I can make a difference by taking a leadership role, whether in my business, my community or my church.”
When asked what he’d do if he were to retire tomorrow, Kevin says he’d continue to focus on developing people. “Like I said, that’s my passion, so I would find other avenues for doing that. It might be helping my boys become better students or baseball players, or doing volunteer work in my community. I would also like to help other small-business owners and share the secrets of Service Champions’ success.”
Ask Me Anything!
Q: What are your favorite sports teams?
A: The Oakland Raiders, Oakland A’s, San Jose Sharks and Golden State Warriors. What can I say, I have an East Bay slant!
Q: Are you an early bird or a night owl?
A: An early bird—I wake up at 5am every day.
Q: What’s your favorite season?
A: Summer, because I get to be outdoors and spend time relaxing with my family at our lake house.
Q: What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
A: In 1985, I received a jet ski from my parents.
Q: What’s your favorite snack?
A: Nuts, carrots and hummus.