SAN LEANDRO — Host, Sarah Rutan: When it comes to preventative home inspections, one area you shouldn’t overlook is the attic. Today we’re in San Leandro with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Sean Madar of Atticare to learn why.
Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Sean Madar: Here in Atticare, we recommend that you inspect your attic and crawl space once a year. Now why do you need to do that? Nobody’s really going through the attic, right? Well, that’s not entirely truth. Seven out of ten homes we visit, we find rodent infestation.
So let’s talk about it for a second. What people are all about today? Health, wealth, love and happiness, right? So let’s talk about health first. When rodents are staying in your attic, they leave a mess behind. They chew on electrical wires which can cause fire. They also chew up insulation which increasing – it’s increasing your energy bill. Also they leave droppings, feces and – and urine which is very bad for you. It decreases the air quality inside the house, and eventually cause allergies and cardiovascular diseases. So it’s very important to clean it up. Also, moisture-related issues like mold, bacteria, fungus – things that are growing in your attic – very important to clean out.
Talking about wealth, saving money is exactly like making money sometimes, so you all know that by putting up insulation, increasing insulation value, will save you tons of money and you going to save on your energy bills. And also what people don’t know is when you are trying to sell a house, inspector are going to come in, they going to inspect the attic, they going to inspect the crawl space, you want to make sure that your insulation is up to code. So that’s going to potentially help you, selling quicker, and hassle-free.
The last part is about love and happiness and we are all about saving the environment and saving the planet. Just so you understand, by re-insulate one thousand square foot, which is a small home, we save about four thousand pounds of emission of gases, like C02. And this is very important for the planet, for the environment, and for all of – because of all these reasons, I highly recommend that you will inspect your attic or crawl space at least once a year.
Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at
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