
Master's Touch Upholstery

Upholstery & Furniture - Repair
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Master's Touch Upholstery
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with Dan Skiles Jr. of Master's Touch Upholstery

Video: Considerations for Upholstery Cushions

SANTA ROSA — Host, Sarah Rutan: When having a piece of furniture re-upholstered, one important aspect to address is its cushion. Today we’re in Santa Rosa with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Dan Skiles of Master’s Touch Upholstery to learn more.

Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Dan Skiles Jr.: A cushion can make or break a project, whether it’s a chair, or a loveseat, or a sofa. If a cushion is done wrong or that doesn’t fit, whether it was done poorly, it can make a whole job look bad. You can do a reasonably good job of upholstering the sofa, for example; if the cushions are done bad, then the whole thing looks shoddy.

Another thing about cushions would be that if you sit on a cushion and it’s uncomfortable, then it kind of breaks the whole purpose of having the furniture in the first place. If it it’s too soft, too hard, or in some other way it makes you uncomfortable, then nobody’s going to want to sit on it.

The other thing i would say about cushions would be, you must reverse them regularly. If you have a chair cushion, it should be flipped over fairly regularly in order to make it last a long time – or long as possible; make it wear out equally on both sides – not only the cover, but the filler inside

You need to reverse the cushion fairly regularly. If you have a sofa, and somebody tends to sit on one end, then the cushion should not only be flipped over; they should be reversed end to end, to make sure that all the cushions last equally – and therefore, the whole job lasts longer

I’ve had people come in that – they just wore out one side of one cushion on a sofa of three cushions. It can really speed up the deterioration of the job when you do that.

Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.org.

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