
24/7 Locksmith Solutions

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24/7 Locksmith Solutions
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with Omer Hoshmand of 24/7 Locksmith Solutions

Video: Changing Keypad Lock Batteries

Keypad electronic locks are coming more and more popular on everyday homes and it's important to remember that they work on batteries and it's better to replace those batteries once a year in a date that you choose in advance. Could be every Christmas, every New Year's, just don't wait for it to die on you because then the code will not work anymore.

Changing the battery on these keypad electronic locks is It's very easy, consumer friendly, you always, Inside of the house because no one can touch your batteries from the outside and there's always a little tab that you Bring up and the tray of batteries is sitting right there You can grab it change the batteries put it back. You cannot put it back wrong It's like a puzzle shape so you can only put it in the right way And it's very easy. You don't need to reset your lock, not do anything with your lock. You just take the batteries out, put new batteries in, and slide it back into the lock. You really don't need a professional to change batteries in these keypads.

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