with Sharon Cronan of Master's Touch Upholstery
One of the most important things to consider when you're trying to decide if you should reupholster or buy new is Look at your piece How old is it if it's over 10 years or more if the bones are solid and it's still in good condition You love it. It works in your house. It's got sentimental value.
Those are reasons to reupholster Everything that's happened in the last few years has changed the quality control and the workmanship that's out there Many companies have gone out of business It's actually really difficult to buy a good quality piece It's going to last you 30 years anymore. We have designers that will call us because they've purchased something very expensive, high end designer quality.
It's been delivered to the customer. It's damaged or unfinished and they want us to fix it for them. And unfortunately it happens all the time. So yeah, if your piece is good and solid, you want to reupholster it. You definitely don't want to get rid of it.
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