RICHMOND — Before you begin your search for the perfect flooring product, it’s good to familiarize yourself with the current industry trends. Here are two flooring trends to be aware of in 2022:
1. Neutral colors
Color-wise, flooring design trends have gone back to more of a neutral palette, emphasizing light colors like whites and lighter grays. This color palette provides a neutral backdrop for the bolder colors in your interior design to stand out against.
2. Wide floor planks
For decades, almost all flooring planks came in 3- and 5-inch widths. Nowadays, we’re seeing 7-, 9- and even 10-inch-wide planks. This change has a purpose: When you put a larger plank (or tile or even carpet pattern) in a small room, it opens things up and makes the room or area appear much bigger.
Knowing about these flooring trends will help guide your decision as you choose a product for your home. It’s also a good idea to partner with a local flooring retailer who can provide further guidance for your selection.
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