
Classic Shades Painting Co.

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Diamond Certified Company Report
Classic Shades Painting Co.
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by Yefim Skomorovsky, a Diamond Certified Expert Contributor

How to Create a Color Scheme for Your Home

SAN FRANCISCO — One of the most challenging aspects of a home painting project is choosing the right colors. Since the color scheme you select is something you’re going to live with for a long time, you should give it plenty of consideration.

The first thing you’ll need to do is choose your main color, which will serve as the basis for your larger color scheme. To get the ball rolling, look in your closet; if you’re like most people, your wardrobe reflects the colors you like, so it’s a natural place to start.

A common method for building a color scheme is known as “monochromatic,” with “mono” denoting “one” and “chromatic” referring to color. Essentially, a monochromatic color scheme consists of varying shades of a single hue. For instance, if you were implementing a monochromatic color scheme in your home, you might pick a light blue for your wall color and a darker shade of blue for your trim.

One way to spice up a monochromatic color scheme is to introduce a complementary color—a totally different color that pairs nicely with your main hue. The best way to find a complementary color is to use a color wheel, which you can get at any paint or hardware store (you can also find an image online). While complementary colors can enhance the visual appeal of your home’s paint job, keep in mind that it’s best to use these sparingly, like painting window trim or a door.

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